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Sometimes they were able to use it for washing clothes etc., but generally they were driven away by the irrigation officials and even by the farmers--all men. As a follow up of this study, DSC approached the Government of Gujarat (GoG) to obtain a policy order that would entitle women to use the canal water for domestic purposes. Though the GoG agreed to issue an appropriate order in principle, it has not been issued till date. In the meanwhile to obtain first-hand experience of accessing canal water for domestic purpose, DSC put up a proposal to use canal water for domestic use in three villages that have canal facility. So far it has been able to obtain permission only in one village. This goes to show that although the highest priority is accorded to drinking water in the plan, it fails to be operationalised even when the same Department, the Department of Water Resources, is in charge of water policy and management of water in the canals. The DSC then looked at another programme, watershed development programme, promoted since 1995 by the Ministry of Rural Development. The DSC had called a meeting of the farmers of the villages where it had implemented watershed projects. While the farmers gloated over the benefits of watershed programme that had raised the water table in their irrigation wells, a woman from the village where the watershed programme was satisfactorily completed, quietly stood up and said: Yes, all this is true, but our need of water for domestic use has not been met by the programme. All the rain water harvesting structures are located away from the village-well from which we draw water for drinking, cooking and other domestic purposes. I was quite upset to hear her. Although the guidelines for watershed development ( 1994 ) have clearly mentioned that one of the criteria for selecting a watershed would be acute shortage of drinking water, this concern for drinking water was not reflected in the stated objectives in the Guidelines of 1994 and their revision in 2001. It has been mentioned in the 2003 revision-the first objective of harvesting rainwater is for the purposes of agriculture, as well as for drinking water supplies. Therefore in the planning of watershed projects during 19952003, focus was on recharging of ground water for raising water table in the irrigation wells.- an obvious consequence of the programme managed by men at the village as well as at Project Implementing Agency (PIA) level. The women members in the Watershed Committee and in the Watershed Development Team of the PIA never asserted the need for according priority to locating water-harvesting structures close to village wells to raise their water level. As in case of canals, like other stakeholders, the women had accepted that water augmentation under watershed programme was for agriculture! Intrigued and disturbed, DSC decided to find out what had happened in the watershed projects implemented by other NGOs. A fairly intensive study was carried out in 48 villages spread over six drought-prone districts. Eleven NGO-PIAs have been working in these villages. The study shows clearly that while the watershed programme had lifted the water table in irrigation wells raising agriculture productivity and income, it had very little impact on the availability of water for domestic use. Let us look at some of the findings. Only two out of nine PIAs paid attention to the problem of water for domestic use. Out of 48 villages water was available round the year only in 9 villages, 36 had water available for 8 months, and 18 villages had water supply only during the 4 months of monsoon. Only 7 villages had adequate water for domestic purposes -- drinking, for livestock, and other household needs; and as many as 29 villages had adequate water only for drinking purpose. The accepted norm for adequacy of water supply is that it should be available within 100 meters from the residence. Only17 (35%) villages fulfilled this condition.. The women in the remaining villages had to trudge a much longer distance to fetch water; most of them would fetch it in pots perched on their heads. This was particularly exhausting in hilly areas where the women have to cross the hills to reach the source of water. Women in 30 villages (64%) had to spend more than four hours daily to haul water for domestic consumption. Only in 3 villages (17%) women spent less than two hours in fetching water for their use. Apparently men who manage the watershed programme did not consider it a problem that women had to spend long hours in fetching water. . They perhaps did not even notice that it took so long, or may be, did not care that women suffered as a result - women would have a backache, lose their hair and become bald. Perhaps when the hours spent in fetching water are converted into opportunity cost of earning wages, the village leaders may take interest in the matter. The research finding is that if, on an average, each family spent three hours fetching water, it would be equivalent to incurring an opportunity cost of Rs.720 a month. Only 9 villages have public water supply available round the year. The remaining villages have to rely on private sources, such as far flung irrigation wells in the farming areas or on water tankers supplied by the government. Taking water from the private sources would be subject to the goodwill of the owner and the availability of power supply. Both are unreliable and could be hazardous. Our research found that even when there is public water supply system available in a village, it was working satisfactorily only in 40% cases. Public systems are managed by panchayats, which are dominated by men. The finding that only in a third of the villages water charges were collected at all and only one out of eight villages paid the full fee shows the indifference of the management toward the issue.. The people in the 46 (out of 48) villages thought that watershed programme was satisfactory for irrigation purposes, but people in 35 villages (73%) felt it worked poorly from the point of drinking water these statements sum up the situation.. When researchers examined the role of women in watershed programme, they found that womens influence was negligible (0 out of 48) in all the villages. Whose Water? Water for Whom? Till late 60s there was a balance between the ground water recharge during the monsoon and extraction of water (for agriculture and for drinking purpose). While digging of deeper wells and installation of devices for lifting water from greater depths increased the area under irrigated crops and brought more prosperity for farming households as well as for agricultural labour, it began to disturb the balance between recharge and extraction. With the increase in the number and the depth of tube wells the imbalance grew in magnitude. In the common village well water level fell drastically. To get water for household use meant increase in womens workload and greater strain on their bodies. The government had accepted that it was its primary responsibility to supply drinking water to the villages that had run out of water. It went about deepening the village wells and installing more hand pumps during the scarcity period. If these measures were not sufficient, the government it stretched its resources to provide water through motor tankers where needed. This took care of basic requirement of water for drinking purposes, but women had to pay a heavy price -- they had to lift water from deep wells or run from one hand pump to the next, not kept in good repairs. They had to wait for the water tanker to arrive, and when it did, to jostle to fill their pots. This has been going on for decades not only in Gujarat but in the whole of Western India and parts of South India. These are the regions where ground water has been depleted leading to widespread scarcity of water particularly during the years of scanty rainfall. The question, then, is, why does not the village community decide to ensure water security for domestic purpose first and then work out a plan of using water for irrigation? After all, quantity of water required for domestic use is extremely small in comparison to what is required for irrigation. The farmers, that is men, have set their priority very clearly for the use of water available in the village, and their priority is agriculture. What happened in Maharashtra when the state government tried to protect the water resources meant for drinking purpose by restricting drawing water for irrigation is an eloquent example of farmers mindset. The farmers virtually told their women If we dont irrigatecrops, how will we earn money to maintain you and your children? We know you face hardships while getting water. You should know that this is the responsibility of government. The district officers have already been informed by the gram panchayat about the shortage of drinking water and they will make necessary arrangements. Meanwhile you manage somehow. The same attitude is reflected in another study (A Decade of Maharashtra Ground Water Legislation: Analysis of the Implementation Process in Vidarbh). The researchers S. G. Phansalkar and Vivek Kher quote a farmer: My irrigated crop is my only way of earning decent income. This is possible only if I can irrigate it. I am quite prepared to spend money and ask my women folk to trudge long distances or stand in queues for getting daily drinking water, but there is nothing I can do to protect my irrigated crop if the government disallows me from irrigating it. This is unacceptable. The authors add,, If there is a strong undercurrent of gender insensitivity, this is widely legitimized. Nowhere in India does the obvious need for stopping rapacious exploitation of ground water enjoy popular support. They recommend that the ground water recharge movement be vigorously encouraged and urgent steps be taken to promote low cost drip system. Watershed development programme aimed at implementing the first recommendation of the authors at least, namely promoting rain water harvesting for ground water recharge. However, as the DSC study found the rapacious exploitation of ground water continues diverting most of the additional ground water towards irrigated agriculture, leaving the women folk dry. The DSC study thus brings us back to the original situation: the ground water extraction exceeds the ground water recharge. Mens Perception Prevails Men do not seem to be sensitive to the hardships women suffer when they have no access to canal water or when the public water supply system is not adequate or reliable. As the following two illustrations suggest, this is true not only in case of water but also of fuel wood, another task for which women have the primary responsibility. During a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercise on women spending long hours in bringing fuel wood from forestlands, the men said that forestland was not very far. When asked about the hazards faced in gathering fuel wood, they mentioned the danger from snakes. One man recalled that a woman had recently died of snakebite. However during the dialogue men showed no concern or anxiety. In another PRA exercise it was suggested that a biogas plant may be set up to save housewifes time in bringing fuel wood. The head of the family -- a man -- retorted. It is not good that women should have spare time. They would indulge in gossiping and backbiting. Better to keep them engaged in a useful activity! Men do not seem to observe the hardships, even misery, that their own womenfolk suffer. This must be true for towns people also, probably true for all dominating groups with respect to the dominated, as Robert Chambers expounds : Many human relationships can be seen and understood in terms of hierarchies of power and weaknesses, of dominance and subordination. What men dont observe, they wont feel. When they dont feel, they dont care. When they dont care, they wont act. A two-fold approach may remedy the situation: Highlight the problems of the disadvantaged Quantify problems using cost benefit analysis Reaching the Disadvantaged In his seminal work Rural Development Putting the Last First, in the very first chapter Rural Poverty Unperceived Chambers has elaborated on how the weak, the powerless and the isolated are often inconspicuous, inarticulate and unorganized. He brought to our notice that the marginalized, the disadvantaged, are not visible; when present, they would not speak; when they speak, they would hide their problems in the presence of leaders. To learn about their problems the development worker has to reach out to them, he has to go to the outskirts of the village where they live in or where they work in lowly occupations. To see the problem of drinking water in a proper perspective in the villages with completed watersheds, effort had to be made to go beyond the village leaders and even normally well-informed PIA leaders, who usually felt there was hardly any problem of drinking water in their villages. The researchers met women separately and visited the places where the poorer people lived. The approach advocated by Professor Chambers -- of reaching out to the disadvantaged -- was adopted for the present research study. While employing PRA techniques for opening up the disadvantaged groups so that they may present their perceptions, the researchers learnt about the magnitude of the problem of obtaining water for their household needs. The findings are discomforting. When the gravity of the problem was brought to the notice of PIA leaders and support offered for correcting the situation, they agreed to undertake appropriate action.  Box 1 It is very important to document success stories of villages like Dhamarasala where village leadership accepted that arranging adequate supply of drinking water was the problem not only of the women of the village; it was a village problem and the village leadership has to take the responsibility for solving it. Take the example of Mokasar, another village in Surendranagar district where the AKRSP had helped the village community to carry out watershed development. Initially, while planning for watershed development, drinking water problem was not kept in view. Later on, the village leadership accepted that it was a village problem, decided to act, and , the situation was transformed. There are number of such villages which have, with or without the benefit of watershed programme, tackled the drinking water problem in a fairly satisfactory manner. Such best practice villages should be properly documented and information about their experiences disseminated specifically targeting those villages which suffer from water shortage and where watershed programme has already been implemented or still being implemented. Once the PIA leaders and the village leaders recognise and accept drinking water as a village problem, and act on it, it is time to take the next step. Cost-Benefit Participatory approach to development requires that those who are to benefit should share the cost better known as peoples contribution. To convince people to contribute to avail of the benefits of various government schemes has always been an uphill task for the development worker. Experience shows that most villages only augment water source from which water for drinking is drawn. The two PIAs that respected the priority for drinking water in planning of watershed, could not satisfy the national norm of availability of water within 100 meters of the household. To accomplish it, watershed leadership would be required to dovetail the Swajaldhara scheme of Government of India that provides funds for helping village communities to reach national norms of drinking water availability. Even though assistance under the scheme is generous, tangible contribution is required from the village community for the installation of the scheme and total responsibility for its maintenance. I have been working on this issue and have found that the best way to convince the people about sharing the cost of development is to bring to their notice the cost of non-development first and then the benefits of development.. When people are asked to contribute to enjoy the benefits of a development scheme, ,their immediate response is, We are poor, we cannot afford to contribute, or Supplying water is a government responsibility, and it is totally wrong of the government to ask for contribution from the poor villagers. The DSC attempted to quantify during the study the cost people were incurring for non-development. As shown in Box 3, the cost may be in terms of time spent in fetching water that could have been employed in a gainful activity. If the water is contaminated, say with fluoride, the cost would be very high. Those afflicted with it, are unable to engage in any productive activity. They usually take medicines which cost, on an average, Rs.300 per month (Rs. 3,600 per year). Thus a heavy cost of non-development is already being incurred by people,. This has to be brought to the surface through dialogues and calculations. Thereafter, when the process of examining options including visiting best practices villages is completed, the question of availing of a development scheme would come up and then the problem of contribution. At that point, it would be easier for a development worker to convince the people that the cost they would incur in installing the scheme and in maintaining it would be much less than what they already incur on account of non-development.  Long way indeed When the findings of the study were presented to the leaders of the PIAs in watershed villages studied, they realised that watershed planning had so far failed to meet its important priority of catering to the basic need of drinking water. The survey of water availability in different parts of the villages, particularly the peripheries where the disadvantaged lived brought to the notice of the leaders that they should not be satisfied with overall availability of water in a village but look into the problems of disadvantaged localities. They had to realise the need to involve womens groups in the planning and management to understand the nature and extent of the problem and find its solution. After all, women are the primary stakeholders in programmes for water for domestic use.. The PIAs will have to support the village community in dovetailing the scheme of Swajaldhara with the watershed scheme. For this to happen the government in the centre and in the state and the district administration will have to issue detailed instructions as to how drinking water priority is to be operationalised in watershed planning and implementation. The womens groups have to be nurtured to develop self-confidence so that they may express their problems and requirements. They have to be encouraged to take a lead role in planning, implementing, and managing the water supply scheme as a part of the watershed project, supplemented by Swajaldahra. When the drought conditions continue beyond two years, many villages in drought prone areas would exhaust their augmented local water resource. They should be helped in designing their local system to receive and distribute equitably water that public agencies may supply from outside. Support NGOs like DSC should work to create an awareness in the watershed community about the priority of drinking water in the National Water Policy. They will have to make continuous efforts to accomplish the following: Build capacity of the PIAs, if necessary through hand-holding exercises, so that they may, if required, access external assistance. monitor whether priority is in fact accorded to drinking water, ensure that womens groups are mobilized for the issue, harness local resources for the purpose, and build drinking water security through proper planning and sustainable management. DSC will have to undertake policy advocacy and provide feed back to the policy makers to ensure that the priorities in the National Water Policy are operationalised on ground. This requires changing the mind-set of leaders from village level to state level. It is a long way to honoring and operational zing in practice the first priority to drinking water enshrined in National Water Policy the commitment to accord top priority to drinking water enshrined in the National Water Policy. 1 INTRODUCTION Background The Watershed Development Programme of Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), launched in 1995, was the most significant almost a revolutionary -- programme for rural development. It has taken care of technical, financial and institutional requirements of sustained development of natural resources. The programme guidelines specify that while selecting villages for implementing watershed programme, priority should be given to those villages that face drinking water problem. However various studies carried out by Development Support Centre show that the problem of drinking water problems have not been attended in the villages where watershed work has been carried out. One of the main reasons, which can be attributed to it, is neglect of gender related interventions in watershed activities. The impact of this is now evident in the form of acute drinking water shortage in villages, particularly during drought years. 1.2 Need for Study There is a need felt to understand and if possible to tackle drinking water problems in the villages where watershed work is completed. There is no provision of availability of more funds under watershed development schemes to attend to this persistent problem. Fortunately Government of India has come up with Swajaldhara scheme since December2002 for achieving drinking water security in long-term perspective. The scheme is aimed to benefit all villages where there are drinking water problems. This study is carried out to get an overview of the drinking water security in villages where watershed work has already been completed. This overview study can be used to establish certain findings based on detailed field survey, which can be made useful in improving ongoing watershed programme such that drinking water needs are better addressed. 1.3 Objectives of Study The broad objective of the study is to assess status of drinking water security in the villages where watershed work is completed. The objectives of the study are as follows: To study the impact of watershed work on irrigation as well as drinking water security, especially upon women and marginalized section of the society. To ascertain the status of drinking water security based on the various identified parameters, particularly for the disadvantaged localities and communities. To draw lessons from the findings, leading to strategies and action for achieving drinking water security in watershed villages. 1.4 Scope The scope of this study encompasses analysis of problems of drinking water security in the villages where watershed project has been completed. A representative sample size of 48 villages has been identified from the North Gujarat and Saurashtra Region of Gujarat State. The drinking water scenario has been evaluated based on the time frame of 10 years keeping in mind the pre and post watershed interventions. The unit of analysis is a village. The study is based on the primary data collected through field visits, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Focused Group Discussion (FGD) and secondary information provided by the partner NGOs. The findings of the study are largely based on the analysis of perception of villagers and beneficiaries as reflected during field interaction. 1.5 Study Methodology The schematic representation of study methodology has been depicted in the following flow chart which is explained in adjoining column: The field study has been carried out by DSC team including Project co-ordinator, external resource person and two field investigators with overall guidance and support from chairman of DSC. The field level support of local NGOs was also sought so as to facilitate field surveys and make the whole study contextual. Identification of 50 sample villages in North Gujarat and Saurashtra was carried out in co-ordination with partner NGOs. A mix of villages facing critical drinking water problems and relatively better villages were identified by using various parameters. The parameters identified for study includes aspects on institutional, management and maintenance of water supply / source, physical attributes (availability, adequacy and quality of water) and socio-economic aspects of drinking water security. Various tools used for field data collection were Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Focused Group Discussion (FGD), and Household Surveys. Interaction with NGO incharge, villagers, women, village leaders, etc. was also carried out to get different perspectives of water security so as to make the study comprehensive. The analysis of the raw data was carried out by using Microsoft Excel software. A detailed matrix was carried out keeping in the mind the questionnaire devised, field survey findings and the critical parameters, which reflects the status of drinking water security in villages covered by study. The key findings were shared with the NGO leaders, staff and invited experts during an all partners meet wherein their feed-back was obtained. Comments of experts were discussed, based on which various recommendations have been made. 2 COURSE OF EVENTS 2.1 List of Partner NGOs Following NGOs partnered the field study: No.Name of NGONo.Name of NGONo.Name of NGO1.DSC, Dhari4.SAVA, Jamnagar7.Sadguru Foundation, Dahod2.DSC, Meghraj5.SSS, Wankaner8.SKTGSM, Savar Kundla3.MKT, Meghraj6.VPST, Upleta9.Prakruti Foundation, DahodNote: Name of villages where field study was carried out is attached in annexure-1. 2.2 Geographical Location of Study Area Map below represents the geographical location of the study area and partner NGOs who participated in the field study:  Sequence of the Study Programme To embark study a field visit (6th April04) was carried out by DSC team lead by the Chairman, Mr. Anil Shah to Mokasar and Moti Marsel village (Taluka: Chotila, District: Rajkot) where drinking water problem were successfully resolved by active participation of community with help and guidance of AKRSP(I), Sayla Unit. A visit (10th April04) to two partner NGOs viz. SSS, Wankaner and OCT, Morbi was carried out to get understanding of issues in drinking water security. All partner NGOs were briefed to identify 5 villages, which can be taken up for the study. A twoday all partners workshop (14-15th April04) was organized by DSC, wherein the objectives of study, role of DSC and partner NGOs in the study were clarified and deliberations on the issue of water security were made at length. All participants from different partner NGOs were sensitized about the drinking water problem. A framework for study was worked out on the basis of proceedings of the workshop. After carrying out detailed background work based on the proceedings, a detailed checklist was devised. To get detailed status of drinking water in watershed villages, field visits (between 26th April04 to 25th May04) to all identified villages of partner NGOs were carried out by DSC team along with field staff of NGOs. A matrix consisting of all relevant parameters was devised to analyse the data collected during the field visits and analysis was carried out. Key findings derived from the analysis of study were shared in a one-day workshop (29th May04) with all partner NGOs wherein experts from WASMO and GWSSB also participated. Based on the feedback of partner NGOs and expert opinion few recommendations were made, which have been elaborated later in the report, so as to address problems in drinking water security issue in right perspective. Parameters for Analysis Following parameters were identified to carryout an intensive study on drinking water security status: Availability of water Adequacy of water Average distance of public water source from house Time spent in fetching water Opportunity cost involved in getting water Dependence on temporary measures (Govt. and Private) during last 5 years Quality of drinking water Social dimension of water security Management and maintenance issue Impact of watershed work on irrigation / domestic water security As mentioned in previous section, a matrix was formulated for collecting information, keeping in mind all the above-mentioned parameters. A sample format is attached as annexure-2. The field study was largely based on perception of different cross-section of the village community by using various tools as explained earlier. Special emphasis was laid on capturing views of the people most affected by the water problems viz. marginalized section of society and women. The perception on availability and adequacy of water was further examined by bifurcating into families who are located within 100 m from public source and families which are located more than 100 m away from source facing difficulty in fetching water. This was done keeping in mind the fact that when study is generalized for the village it misses out to capture the issue for different section of the society. 3 STUDY OUTCOME 3.1 Key Findings The findings are based on the detailed survey carried out by DSC team in 48 villages surveyed. Note that in following sub-sections % shown in parenthesis is number of villages out of total 48 villages surveyed. Availability of Drinking Water: Only 7 villages (15%) have round the year drinking water availability whereas 23 villages (47%) have water availability for 8 months, that is except summer months. 18 villages (38%) have water availability only for 4 months (only during monsoon). Adequacy of Drinking Water:  29 villages (60%) have adequacy of water only for drinking purpose whereas 12 villages (25%) have adequacy of water for drinking and household needs. Only 7 villages (15%) have adequacy of water for drinking, household and livestock. Average distance of public source of water from house:  17 villages (35%) had average distance of public source within 100 m whereas 31 villages (65%) had difficult situation such as farther distance, hilly region, etc. Very difficult condition could be that there may be a source nearby but does not have desired quality of water for human consumption. Time spent in fetching water:  Women of 31 villages (64%) have to spend more than 4 hours daily for fetching water for domestic consumption. Where as women of 9 villages (19%) have to spend 2 to 4 hours of time daily in fetching water. Only in 3 villages (17%) women spent less than 2 hours for fetching water. This also got reflected in the daily activity mapping carried out as a part of the field survey. Opportunity cost involved in getting water: An attempt was made to translate the time spent in fetching water into opportunity cost involved in getting water. It should be however noted that this analysis should be carried out from case to case basis and should not be generalized. If a woman is engaged for a meaningful employment in farming, a wage of Rs. 60/day for 8 hours is considered and if a woman has to spend about upto 2 hours of the day in fetching water, she loses an opportunity to earn upto Rs. 16. and similarly for women who spent more than 4 hours daily loses an opportunity to earn more than Rs. 32/ day. If we assume that drinking water security is achieved in a village after successful intervention of programme, women on an average have to spend less than 1 hour for fetching water for domestic purpose. If she utilizes on an average 3 hours daily available to her due to domestic water security and engages herself in meaningful employment, she earns Rs. 24/ day, i.e additional family earning of Rs.720/month and additional annual family saving of Rs. 8760. Dependence on temporary measures (Govt. and Private) during last 5 years: A scale of last 5 years was taken and villagers were asked about how many years out of 5 years they had to depend on temporary measures private or public source for getting water for domestic purposes. Government measures include drilling of new bore well, deepening of existing well, plying tankers, installation of new hand pump, etc. The private measures include formal and informal system. In formal system the private supplier charges for water made available whereas in informal system it is not charged.  It can be inferred from the above pie-chart that 34 villages (71%) had to depend on temporary measures based on private sources all of the last 5 years. Expenditure for achieving domestic water security was also considered as one of the parameters. A daily expenditure of Rs. 10/family2 was considered as basis of analysis. 10 villages (21%) spent more than Rs. 300/month for obtaining domestic water security. Quality of Drinking Water: The quality parameters identified were hard water, turbid water, brackish water, saline water, water with excess fluoride / nitrate, any other quality related problem. Diseases found in villages due to water problems were also identified as one of the sub-parameters. The common diseases found were kidney stone, skin disorders, yellow teeth and bone and joint problems. 27 villages (56%) responded that water available was of potable quality where as 21 villages (44%) did face quality problems. 29 villages (60%) responded that there were no major diseases found due to water problems where as remaining 19 villages (40%) reported one or combination of more than one diseases due to water problems. 3.1.8 Water Security: Social Dimension: Two parameters were identified to link water security issue with social dimensions viz. water conflicts and water security for marginalized section of society. 28 villages (58%) responded that they had never faced water conflicts where as 14 villages (29%) faced water conflicts sometime and 6 villages (13%) faced frequent water conflicts. 42 villages (87%) did not have water security for marginalized section of the society. This is an alarming figure as it shows the apathy to domestic water issue in those responsible for managing watershed programme. 3.1.9 Management / Maintenance of Water Supply / Source: Qualitative attribute was adopted for capturing the perception of villagers on an important parameter like management and maintenance of water supply / source.  Management issue: The findings from the study suggest that administrative arrangement (termed here as management) of water supply / source was poor in 16 villages (29%), average in 14 villages (31%) and good in 18 villages (40%). Maintenance issue: 14 villages (33%) had poor, 15 villages (29%) had average and 19 villages (38%) had good maintenance of water supply / source. Institutional arrangement was also taken as one of the parameters of the study. It was found that in 42 out of 48 villages (87.5%), existing water supply management / maintenance is carried out by panchayat. Water charges were demanded by panchayat in 24 villages (50%). Residents of 17 villages paid charges fully or partly. 44 out of 48 villages (92%) did not have any water committee for drinking water purposes. Impact of watershed work on irrigation / domestic water security It is a crucial parameter to gauge the overall impact of watershed programme on irrigation as well as on drinking water security. This parameter was analysed keeping in mind the qualitative attribute.  It can be inferred from the chart-14 that Impact of watershed programme on irrigation has been fairly good where as it is poor in case of drinking water security. 19 villages (40%) considered good impact on irrigation whereas only 6 villages (12.5%) viewed good impact on domestic water security. Only 2 villages (4%) perceived poor impact of watershed on irrigation purpose where as 35 villages (73%) had poor impact of watershed on drinking water security.  Thus, although watershed work may be considered as successful for irrigation purpose, in terms of drinking water security, it is viewed as miserably failed. This can be further explained in chart-15 where womens influence on watershed programme is rated. All 48 villages (100%) perceived that womens influence in watershed programme was negligible. This can be considered as the main reason for failure of watershed programme in addressing drinking water security. 4 EMERGING ISSUES AND FURTHER ACTION What is emerging from the study is that there are total 4938 watershed projects in Gujarat out of which 2249 have been completed, Augmenting local supply for drinking water has not been given attention to planning for rainwater harvesting for domestic use as a priority item of watershed development. The priority action therefore is to draw attention of the PIAs that were in charge of these projects that even though late they have to take action for rectifying their laps. This will require additional investment and funds. Fortunately the Swajaldhara scheme of Government of India could be accessed even for the completed watershed for augmenting water for domestic requirements. Similarly for the on-going and future watershed projects, such indifference to drinking in watershed planning should not take place. This will require action in training, monitoring and policy advocacy. DSC plan future actions as under: In the 48 villages that were studied in detail, in the villages where water is not available in all parts of the villages for 12 months during normal rainfall, will be given priority in inducing the PIA leaders to improve the water supply by availing of Swajaldhara. There are 41 of them. This would involve maintaining contact with the PIA leaders to make sure that the issue remains priority on their agenda and necessary action taken. After knowing their plan, assist them in accessing Swajaldhara scheme through Training workshops Technical assistance Monitoring 1.3 Bring to notice of the policy makers and those who are responsible for supervising implementation of watershed programme, the need for corrective action by the PIAs and if the PIAs are no longer actively associated with villages of completed watersheds, there would be need for corrective action by the village institutions. 1.4 In the process DSC will come across policy and procedural issues that it should take up with the policy makers and administrators in the Centre and at the State level. For instance inclusion of roof water harvesting as permissible item of Swajaldhara scheme in villages that have non-potable ground water and therefore have to make maximum effort of roof water harvesting. This will considerably reduce arranging water supply from distant sources. 2 For the watershed projects that are on going the PIA leaders and the Watershed Associations should modify their plan to ensure that the water resources for domestic purpose receive the benefit of ground water recharge through appropriate location of additional rainwater harvesting structures. 3 DSC and other intuitions imparting training for watershed development should include and emphasize the priority for augmenting domestic water supply at the time of planning of watershed development. Since funds available under the watershed scheme for rainwater harvesting may not be sufficient in many cases to make adequate water available in convenient manner to all parts of the project villages, it would be necessary to access the funds of Swajaldhara scheme. The training should provide information on Swajaldhara scheme and modalities for accessing its funds. DSC will be well advised to prepare separate module, as a part of watershed training, to impart importance of drinking water issue, how it can be addressed in watershed planning, how women can be organized in taking responsibility. The module should provide topics to be covered and the methodology to be employed. 4 Since all this will require considerable efforts of motivating the PIA leaders and the leaders of watershed villages to appreciate the importance and feasibility of improving the water supply in manner convenient to women folk, it will be extremely useful to prepare the list of success stories and to document the process that has helped in bringing about awareness of the problem in the village community and particularly its male leaders, organizing the community under the leadership of women groups to prepare plan for improved water supply, raise funds for peoples contribution, plan and execute the scheme in an efficient and satisfactory manner. The success villages should also have satisfactory arrangement for proper maintenance and management of the installed scheme. DSC would undertake documentation of all such aspects so that the dissemination and adoption of similar processes lead to success and satisfaction for ensuring priority for drinking water as required in the National Water Policy. F\manju\rushabh\ RKSUN FINAL07aug04 Annexure-1 List of NGO wise villages identified for the Study The details of NGO wise villages identified for the study are enlisted in following table: No.Name of NGOName of Villages identified for StudyNo.Name of NGOName of Villages identified for Study1.DSC, DhariChatadia Jaljivdi Karamdadi Hirava Khisri Kicha Rampar Rajasthali Trambkpur6.SKTGSM, Savar KundlaPiyava Motiyada Nana Bhamodra Borada Moldi2.DSC, MeghrajTarakvadia Modersumba Vaniavada Valuna Gokchuvad Dhandhia7.SSS, WankanerVithalpar Anandpar Jamsar3.MKT, MeghrajItava Kolundra Umedpur Tarakvada Dhundhera8.VPST, UpletaBoriya Jasapar Mespar Anchvad Chavandi4.Prakruti Foundation, DahodGhugas Madhva Vatli Bhichor Karmel9.Sadguru Foundation, DahodKotdapur Sharda Dhadhela Tadadhoda Dhodakhakhra5.SAVA, JamnagarJamrojivada Bharana Navatra Jodhpur Bajana Annexure-2 Domestic Water Security Matrix based on Villagers Perception: Note: A Perception of household having access to public source within 100 m from house B Perception of household having access to public source beyond 100 m from house * - Opportunity cost of time saved in fetching water is calculated considering 8 hours working in a day @ Rs. 60/day. (i.e. Rs. 8/hour) No.ParametersVillageAB1.0Availability of water 1.1Round the year 1.28 months (except summer months)1.34 months (only during monsoon months)2.0Adequacy of water 2.1For drinking, household need and livestock2.2For drinking and household needs2.3Only for drinking and cooking2.4Overall rating (sufficient /insufficient)3.0Source of Drinking Water3.1Open well/ bore/ handpump/ undergroud tank/ regional scheme / others3.2Drinking water arrangement for livestock (cattle trough / pond / at farm / others)4.0Avg. dist. of public source from house4.1< 100 m4.2> 100 m4.3Very difficult5.0Average daily time spent by a family for accessing water during summer months / Opportunity cost* of achieving water security 5.1Upto 2 hours / day (upto Rs. 16)5.22 4 hours / day (Rs. 16 Rs. 32)5.3> 4 hours / day (more than Rs. 32)6.0Dependency on Temporary Measures for Water Security during last 5 years (in no. of years)6.1Dependence on Government machinery 6.2Dependence on private water tankers / private borewell / hand pump etc. 7.0Quality of available Drinking Water 7.1(Potable / Hard / Brackish / Saline / Fluoride/ Nitrate /turbid / other problem)7.2Any water related diseases found in village in past / present? (yes / no) 8.0Socio-Economic Condition8.1Day to day water conflicts due to water scarcity in summer months (Frequent / uncommon / none)8.2Average monthly expenditure for getting domestic water (< 300 / > 300)8.3Day to day water availability for marginalised section of society (yes/no)9.0Current Management / Maintenance of the water supply system / source9.1Who does it? (Govt./Panchayat/Pani samiti /others)9.2Management (Good / average / Poor)9.3Maintenance (Good / average / Poor)9.4Water charges collected (yes/no) 9.5Do villagers pay water charges (yes/no) (if yes, fully/partial)9.6Water committee formed in village? (yes/no)10.0Impact of watershed initiatives10.1on irrigation (good / average / poor)10.2on drinking water security (good / average / poor)10.3Womens position in the watershed programme (notable / insignificant)  Preface to Drinking Water Security in Watershed Villages, a study conducted and published by Development Support Centre, Bopal, Ahmedabad, 380 052, India , July 2004  Chairman, Development Support Centre, Ahmedabad  Women, Water, Irrigation: Respecting Womens Priorities (March 2001), Ahmedabad: Development Support Centre  They are all members of the network Sajjata Sangh, promoted by DSC  Women, Water Irrigation p. 3  Chambers, Robert (1997), Whose Reality Counts?  Bobert Chambers, - Rural Development Putting the Last First , (1983) Longman  See, Litmus Test in In the Hands of the People (2001), , Development Support Centre, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058.  Two studies Advantage Declined (2003),: Development Support Centre, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380052, and Impact of AKRSPs Intervention on Drought Coping by People, (2004) , AKRSP, Ahmedabad 380009  Papers In the Hand of the People (1999), Eloquent Silent Revolution (2000) and Advantage Watershed, Advantage Declined by Shri Anil C. Shah, Development Support Centre, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380 058. 2 Rs. 2 is charged for filling 1 beda (~1 beda = 20 litres). Considering a minimum of 5 beda for a family of 5 members. Drinking Water Security in Watershed Villages PAGE  PAGE 14 Analysis of Data Field Visits and Surveys Problem Identification Identification of Study Area SKTGSM, Savarkundla Manav Kalyan Trust, Meghraj DSC, Meghraj DSC, Dhari Vruksh Prem Seva Trust, Upleta SAVA, Jamnagar Prakruti foundation & Sadguru foundation, Dahod Sarvodaya Seva Sangh, Wankaner North ( Not to Scale Key findings  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4 Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart-5 Chart 7 Chart 8 Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 12 Chart 11 Chart 13 Chart 14 Chart 15 Box 3 Costs of Non-Development: The Starting Step Even in case of drinking water where there is no productivity and earning loss, it is possible to work out monetary implications of the suffering of village women when they have to fetch water from long distances. Work out the number of hours women spend in fetching water. Calculate what they could earn in that time if water were available close-by in a convenient manner. Aggregate the amount for the village to figure out what it is spending on bringing water from long distances. If the water is contaminated, with fluoride for instance, then the monetary implications can be worked out as follows: The villagers must be spending large sums of money on medicines. Total up the sums of money the villagers spend and keep the information with you until you reach a stage when you have to discuss a scheme -- say Swajaldhara which requires 10% peoples contribution to obtain funds for improving the village water supply. Do not reveal the figure until an exposure visit is made to the villages that have successfully improved their water supply system. Box 1 NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF RULES AND REGULATIONS TOO* In Dhamrasala village of Surendranagar programme area a percolation tank was renovated in 1995 which met womens need for domestic water and put an end to their hardships. However, soon the farmers started directly lifting stored water for irrigating their crops. The women were left watching them. The ban against direct lifting of water for irrigation was disputed in the village meetings for several years. Finally, in 1999, the women of Dhamrasala managed to reach a compromise with the farmers. The depth of the tank was 5 ; the farmers were allowed to lift only 3 of water, leaving behind 2 of water in the tank, which would be enough for domestic use until the following monsoon. Today, even when the standing crops wither due to lack of moisture, the pump-sets on the bank of the tank are idle. Obviously the farmers continue to abide by the community decision. *This episode has been vividly presented in a film titled There Will Be No Thirst this Year produced by the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP), Ahmedabad. Box-2 Mokasar: Catching up with a missed opportunity Supported by AKRSP, Mokasar village in Surendranagar district had the benefit of watershed development during 1996-2000. During the watershed project implementation, eight check dams were constructed and land leveling was done on sixty-five hectares since rainwater harvesting was the priority. This certainly helped to raise the water table in the irrigation wells. However, the women complained that it had not alleviated the problem of drinking water. The village had a tube well for drinking water but its level had gone down and so not enough water could be obtained from it. Water level had gone down because new tube wells were coming up as a result of ground water recharge. Even otherwise there were only two stand posts in the village that were neither sufficient nor convenient. The womens group, promoted by AKRSP, made the demand for improving the water supply for domestic purpose. With the guidance and support of AKRSP, the gram panchayat constituted a committee with the representatives from each of the eleven streets of the village. The committee worked out the requirement of water in each street allotting 40 litres per head. Nine underground water tanks were constructed with an average capacity of 15,000 litres at the cost of Rs.27,000 each, the total cost of nine tanks was Rs. 2,40,000. The water committee collected Rs. 24,000, i.e., 10% of the total cost. All the families in the village had to contribute. The new scheme provided for construction of a check dam near the village bore well and a recharge bore well which would raise the water table in the village tube well. The Secretary of the water committee ensures that all street tanks have sufficient water, which is supplied through the pipeline from the village tube well. Each tank has a hand pump from which women draw water at their convenience -- quite an improvement from the earlier situation -- taking water from a public water stand where water was available only when released from the tube well. When the DSC team visited the village and interacted with the womens groups in different streets, it learnt that: There was a soak pit for every tank where wastewater is drained.. The responsibility for each tank was entrusted to a team of a woman and a man. The team had to ensure that the tank was kept clean. It collects monthly water charge -- Rs.15 per month per family. The DSC team asked whether the fee was too high compared to the fees of the Government Water Board -- Rs.14 per head per year,. The women replied that the fee was much smaller than the cost of spending time in collecting water from far flung irrigation wells, about four hours everyday!. At Rs.8 per hour, this would mean Rs.32 per day. Even if cost is calculated for only fifteen to twenty days a month, the women lose about Rs.500 a month. Paying a fee of Rs.15 is fine with them. They were willing to pay even more.   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Dist. of public source from HousesTime upto 2 hours 2 - 4 hours > 4 hours upto Rs. 16 Rs. 16 - 32> Rs. 32<1Quality of Drinking waterQuality ProblemsPotable Quality!incidence of water borne diseasesYesNoWater Conflictsa-4, b-12, c-16Frequent SometimesNever<300>300yesno Government Panchayat Pani SamitiOthers - NGO,etc.GoodAveragePoorFullPartly Management Maintenancepaid by villagersraised by local authoritiesWater committee formedgoodaveragepoor noticable negligible$women's participation / contribution on irrigationon drinking water securityOnly for drinking needsFor drinking, h/h & livestockOnly for drinking and h/h needsSadguru Foundation> 100 ma-5, c-5 a-4, b-3, d-3a-5 yes-0, no-5 a-1,b-1,c-3<300-5 yes-0,no-5a-4,b-1a-3,b-2a-1, b-4a-5,b-4,c-3,f-3 a-4,b-2,c-1 a-1, d-4, e-4 a-1, b-1, c-3 <300-4,>300-1a-2, b-2,c-3,d-3,e-2, f-4a-5, d-1 a-3, c-1, d-1 a-2, b-2, d-1 a-3, b-1, c-1a-3, c-2yes-5a-2, b-7 b-7,c-6, f-9 a-9, b-1, c-25-4vill,2-3vill,3-1vill,4-1villa-6,e-3 yes-3, no-6b-3, c-6<300-8, >300-1 Yes-2, No-7b-8, c-1 a-4, b-3, c-2 a-2, b-4, c-3 yes-5, no-4yes-5 (a-5), no-4 yes-1, no-8b-9a-1, c-8a-3,b-4,c-5,d-4,e-1, f-3 a-2, b-3, c-40-1vill, 3-1vill, 5-3vill 0-5vill a-4, b-1, c-1 yes-2, no-3a-2, b-3 a-3, b-1,c-1yes-4 (a-4), no-11-1vill5-4vill, 4-1vill0-3vill5-3vill5-1vill1-1vill, 5-3vill 4-1vill, 5-4vill3-1vill,4-2vill,5-2vill4-1vill0-9vill5-5vill0-6vill5-6vill a-12, b-36 a-8, b-40a-21,b-24,c-50,d-8,e-3, f-19a-31, b-16, c-12, d-10, f-11-3vill, 5-1vill20-1vill, 1-1vill, 2-3vill,3-4vill,4-5vill,5-34villa-27, b-2, c-8, d-7, e-11, g-2 yes-19, no-29a-6, b-14, c-28<300 - 38, >300 - 10 yes-6, no-42a-4, b-42, c-1, d-1a-19, b-15, c-14a-18, b-14, c-16 yes-24, no-24yes-17 (a-11, b-6), no- 31 yes-4, no-44a-6, b-7, c-35b-48%a-19, b-27, c-2 1-4 years all 5 years Sj%y?VI`Sjw& =  ! !" |" " g#~ # $ J%a  A@M hp LaserJet 100034XSDDMhp LaserJet 1000-dd"dX??3` N S` N V` N W)3d23 M NM4 3Q: > 100 mQ ;Q ;Q3_4E4D$% M 3O&WQ4$% M 3O&VQ4FA1L3O; 3" :dd{: 3O~: % M,3OQ44$% M 3OQ '43_ M NM  MM< 444% TWJM3O&SQ BAvailability of Drinking Water '44e%Round the yearG8 months (except summer months)E4 months (only during monsoon)e@7@2@e>  A@  dMbP?_*+%M%Samsung ML-4600 PCL 6O7 4dXXd`P\r`P\rffff\b\bSamsung ML-4600 PCL 6O7 4dXX Copyright (c) JUSTWAY Co., Ltd. 1999 4  X ;D X d  o  ;;R;DDxDC:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ml46xl.INIo" }XX??U} m} $} I"}  } m } } m } } $} m}  } m }  +                &   0C  0 0   0 C  0C  E RQ ' ;  1 D ;  1  D  ;    1  D ;  1 D F G F G~ ?0(2(2(2(2(([@"@@2(2?(?2@(@2@(@??SS(^@B@7@2@(@@2?(?@@2(@@2@(@@?S@S@ )@`@ @!2@3)@ @!@3?)? !?3)@ !@3)?@SS~ $@0*$<4-4-4-4-x+@j@,@=@2?(@2?(?2@(?2@(@@? +k@5@=(@2@(?@@2@(?@?2@(@@2@(@@@SS 0 +l@*@==@2(@@ 2T (?@@2(?@@2@(@@S@S@ %~ ,n@ % > 5 . 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